domingo, 16 de junio de 2013

Surf Terminology: The Surf Dictionary | Techniques and Maneuvers

Techniques and maneuvers

Glossary of Surfing 

  • Air/Aerial: Riding the board briefly into the air above the wave, landing back upon the wave, and continuing to ride [4]
  • Bail: To step off of the board in order to avoid being knocked off (a wipe out)
  • Bottom turn: The first turn at the bottom of the wave
  • Carve: Turns (often accentuated)
  • Caught inside: When a surfer is paddling out and cannot get past the breaking surf to the safer part of the ocean (the outside) in order to find a wave to ride [4]
  • cross step: crossing one leg over the other across the board (usually to make it to the nose)
  • Cutback: A turn cutting back toward the breaking part of the wave
  • Drop in: Dropping into (engaging) the wave, most often as part of standing up
  • Duck dive: Pushing the board underwater, nose first, and diving under an oncoming wave instead of riding it
  • Fade: On take-off, aiming toward the breaking part of the wave, before turning sharply and surfing in the direction the wave is breaking
  • Fins-free snap (or "fins out"): A sharp turn where the surfboard's fins slide off the top of the wave
  • Floater: Riding up on the top of the breaking part of the wave, and coming down with it
  • Goofy foot: Surfing with the left foot on the back of board (less common than regular foot)
  • Hang Heels: Facing backwards and putting the surfers' heels out over the edge of a longboard
  • Hang-five/hang ten: Putting five or ten toes respectively over the nose of a longboard
  • Off the Top: A turn on the top of a wave, either sharp or carving
  • Pearl: Accidentally driving the nose of the board underwater, generally ending the ride
  • Pop-up: Going from lying on the board to standing, all in one jump
  • Pump: An up/down carving movement that generates speed along a wave
  • Re-entry: Hitting the lip vertically and re-reentering the wave in quick succession.
  • Regular/Natural foot: Surfing with the right foot on the back of the board
  • Rolling, Turtle Roll: Flipping a longboard up-side-down, nose first and pulling through a breaking or broken wave when paddling out to the line-up (a turtle roll is an alternative to a duck dive)
  • Smack the Lip / Hit the Lip: After performing a bottom turn, moving upwards to hit the peak of the wave, or area above the face of the wave.
  • Snaking, drop in on, cut off, or "burn": When a surfer who doesn't have the right of way steals a wave from another surfer by taking off in front of someone who is closer to the peak (this is considered inappropriate)
  • Snaking/Back-Paddling: Stealing a wave from another surfer by paddling around the person's back to get into the best position
  • Snap: A quick, sharp turn off the top of a wave
  • Soul arch: Arching the back to demonstrate casual confidence when riding a wave
  • Stall: Slowing down by shifting weight to the tail of the board or putting a hand in the water. Often used to stay in the tube during a tube ride
  • Switch-foot: Having equal ability to surf regular foot or goofy foot (i.e. left foot forward or right foot forward), like being ambidextrous
  • Take-off: The start of a ride
  • Tandem surfing: Two people riding one board. Usually the smaller person is balanced above (often held up above) the other person
  • Tube riding/Getting barreled: Riding inside the hollow curl of a wave

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